In the world of early literacy, two terms often swirl around like alphabet soup: phonemic awareness and phonics. If you’re anything like me, before I earned my master’s degree in literacy, I really didn’t understand the difference. While they may sound similar, these two concepts play distinct and crucial roles in the journey of learning […]
The Ultimate Organization Hack: Google Sheets Checklists for Teachers
In this blog post, I’m going to show you the ultimate classroom organization hack! How to harness the power of Google Sheets checklists to streamline your organizational efforts, use less paper (aka those paper mountains where things get lost), and help you become a more efficient and effective teacher.
What is the Science of Reading? A Simple Explanation
Introduction to the Science of Reading: A Simple Explanation Are you an educator or parent that keeps hearing the words science of reading, orthographic mapping, phonics, structured literacy, phonemic awareness, SoR aligned strategies… and find yourself feeling lost, confused, and wondering what in the world everyone keeps talking about? If so, you’re in the right […]